King County TDR (Transfer of Development Rights)

Atlanta Coyotes

City in an Old Growth Forest

Debra's Forest

Beaver Water Management

Bullitt Center

Tiny Forests

Saving Luma

GEOS Community: Net Zero Housing

Heartwood: Mass Timber Housing, Seattle

Bryant Heights: Making Space for Trees
Pittsburgh City Steps

Denver River Mile

Living Structures - The Architecture for Life

Welcome to Biophilic Cities

San Francisco Blue Greenway

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

Frick Environmental Center

The Contribution of Cities to Half-Earth

Gotham Whale

Making Atlanta a Bird-Friendly City
Singapore: Biophilic City
Interface Base Camp: Modeling Nature

Edmonton: A Biophilic City
Chattahoochee Hills Charter School Nature Based Education

Catio Tour, Portland, Oregon

Urban Wetland, Perth, Western Australia, A Film by Linda Bragg

Burrowing Owls: Building Habitat in Phoenix, AZ

Cully Park, Portland, Oregon

Bishan Otters, Singapore

Swift Roost at Chapman Elementary School, Portland, Oregon

Urban Orchard, Perth, Western Australia, A Film by Linda Bragg
A Conversation About the Atlanta Beltline, With Founder Ryan Gravel

McDowell Sonoran Conservancy
Biophilic Wellington, A Film By Linda Bragg

Re-Wilding New York Harbor
Pier into the Night, Gig Harbor

Biophilic Birmingham

Meadow Creek Restoration, Charlottesville, Virginia