In response to the rapidly unfolding COVID-19 global pandemic, countries and cities around the world have quickly implemented a diverse range of interventions to reduce the spread and impact of the virus. A universal aspect of responses is the necessity of disrupting everyday interactions and an emphasis on maintaining social distance between households. We are forging new daily routines, inclusive of which is the intuitive need to counteract the isolation of households with a connection to the larger, natural world.
In the coming months, recognition of nature’s therapeutic value will likely grow, perhaps especially after the pandemic ends and the traumatic effects continue …. Our post-pandemic challenge will not only be to preserve the last remaining natural places, but to create more of them, especially in cities—and to make sure all children and adults, not just a few, receive the gifts of nature.
- Rich Louv, Author + Founder of the Children & Nature Network, April 1 Op-Ed for REI
From the Biophilic Cities Network
Developing stories, news, and guidance from cities in the Biophilic Cities Network
Resources to help maintain a connection with nature under conditions such as social distancing and quarantine.
Reading List
Emerging news, research and developments centering on the effect of COVID-19 on nature and cities.