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The Bird-Friendly and Biophilic City: Integrating Safe, Natural Habitats into Urban Design and Planning

Urban greening efforts often emphasize infrastructure improvements like energy efficient building systems. But an increasing number of planners and urban designers are looking to develop “biophilic” cities that incorporate natural forms into buildings and cityscapes.

Join the Maryland Department of Planning and the Smart Growth Network at 1 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, November 12, as Tim Beatley, the Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities at the University of Virginia, outlines the essential elements of a biophilic city and provide examples of cities that have successfully integrated biophilic elements–from the building to the regional level–around the world.

Beatley will also look at how these changes can make our built environment safer for birds, and how better integrating the built and natural environments can improve quality of life for people while also protecting natural habitats.

Link to Smart Growth website for free registration

Later Event: November 18
Planning Ocean Cities